On Friday 6th March we are inviting all the children and staff to come to school in their pyjamas and bring their favourite book to share. The theme for this years World Book Day is 'share a million stories'. So bring a book to share and see how many you can read during the week. Happy reading!
Thank you to everyone who has supported the book fair this week. We will be able to buy some lovely new books for our school library. The prize draw was pulled this morning and the five lucky winners have chosen their free book.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the book fair this week. We will be able to buy some lovely new book for our school library. The prize draw was pulled this morning and the five lucky winners have chosen their free book.
Elephants had a wonderful morning reading stories with thier families and eating pancakes. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the event. We hope to do another one soon.
(sorry the picture won't rotate)
Thank you to all the parents that visited our Africa museum. We have loved this project and the children have learn't so much.
Thank you so much to all the parents who came to see the wonderul work the children have done this half term in Exciting Elephants espcially due to the snow.
Next week we will be asking the children and staff to come to school in odd socks as part of National Anti Bullying week.
What is it?
Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!
There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or to buy expensive costumes. All you have to do to take part is wear odd socks to school, it couldn’t be simpler! The wackier the better, with prizes for the funniest combination!
We are looking forward to seeing your odd socks!!
The book fair starts tomorrow! It will be open at 8.30am-8.45am and 3.15pm-3.45pm on Thursday 7th, Friday 8th, Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th November. Everyone who buys a book will be able to enter the prize draw and might win a £5 voucher to spend at the book fair.
We hope to see you all there.
Elephants have had a brilliant afternoon completing their sponsored bounce. Mr Wyatt our student teacher even had a go! Well done to all the children - and Mr Wyatt!
The children continue to amaze and impress me with the amount of knowledge they have learnt about insects. This week our focus is on ladybirds. We have been talking about metamorphasis - which means transformation. The children have been using flat paper to shape into 3D ladybird models. Have a look at the pictures on our class gallery!
Our butterflies are growing and becoming stronger and stronger so later this week we will release them.
It has been very exciting in Exciting Elephant class. We have been watching caterpillars build their cocoons and they are now hatching into beautiful butterflies. The children have loved watching the metamorphosis happen.
We have had a wonderful couple of weeks in the woods learning how to use tools safely. The children have loved using the drills and saw as well as making bow and arrows and dragonflies. Thank you to all the parents who have helped.
It was brilliant to see so many parents turn out this morning on a very wet day. If you couldn't attend all the information discussed is under Year 2 Curriculum on the website. There is also a parent pack that has a 100 square, how we form our letters sheet and explains how to partition a number.
We didn't hand out packs this year as we are trying to be as paperless as possible. If you need to know any more information please speak to Mrs Richardson or Miss Pitman who lead the meeting.
It has been brilliant getting to know the new children in Elephant class. We have be learning lots of elephant facts and creating lots of elephant art work. The children have all settled really well and we are super proud of you all!
Ahoy!!! What a brilliant day Frog class has had and what amazing costumes! Today has been the start of pirate school. We have learnt how to work together in a team to collect the golden ball and return to our ship without being eaten by sharks. We also made our own treasure maps and spent time using the bee bots.
A brilliant start to the term!
In science Frog class have been testing different objects to see which float and sink. We also learnt that objects with a larger surface area can stay a float even if they are heavy. The children used all this knowledge to make a raft that will float and tested it to see how many pirates could sail aboard before it sink.
Nearly all the children have now completed their special activities. We are super proud of you all. You have all been 'aiming high' with an 'I can do it' attitude. Well done Frogs, Caterpillars and Owl class!
We spent the morning making wormerys. The class had great fun exploring and digging to find the biggest worms.
We will be looking at our wormerys in the next couple of days to see how the worms have dug in the soil.
Frog class have been researching and writing facts about spiders this week. Their super writing is now hanging from the classroom ceiling.
The prize draw was pulled this afternoon and the five lucky winners went to choose their book from the fair with Mrs Richardson. Well done!
Books, Buns and Biscuits
We are holding a special book fair event on Thursday where you can buy a book and buy a cake. All the money raised will go towards new books for the school library.
You can also spend you world book day £1 voucher. This can only be used when buying a book.
We hope to see you there.
Fantastic Frogs had a wonderful morning looking at and holding different insects and animals that wriggle and crawl. The children were very brave holding them and listening to all the information.
Thank you to all the parents of year two children who took part in our marshmallow tower challenge. It was a great afternoon and the children enjoyed it.
Frogs had to make a new bridge to rescue Princess Fiona form the dragons keep. They worked brilliantly together and most of the bridges could take the weight. Well done.
Frog class have made some amazing castles and towers over the last few weeks. The children worked in teams, sharing resources and planning what the final product would be.
Their results are amazing.
As part of our RE this term we have been learning about Islam. Today we had a visitior from the open centre who taught us about how a muslim would pray, the name of their special building and the name of their special book. Frogs thought of some great questions the week before and were able to ask them to find the answers.
Frogs had a great time last week taking part in lots of ball activities at Rutland Sports ground. It was a cold walk there but we soon warmed up. Well done Frogs!
The Year 2 children had an amazing time today going down the 140 metre mine shaft. They explored mining life from 1800 with a workshop from Sally Fletcher, met the pit ponies and were incredibley brave when they all turned out their pit lamps to see how dark the mine was. We will be using their experiences next week when they write their information book called 'Down the Mine'.
Thank you to all the families that supported the book fair. We rasied over £650 which means we can order £340 worth of new books for our school. We also had five children who won the prize draw, well done to Megan, James, Blake, Callum and Olly. They each received a £5 voucher to spend on a new book at the fair.
Happy reading everyone!
The book fair starts on Thursday 8th November . More information can be found on the website.
I hope you have all had a great holiday. I am looking forward to hearing all about your adventures. See you in the morning.
Wow! What a fantastic display of art work. Frog class has been working really hard this term exploring a range of techniques. Thank you to all the parents who supported this event.
On Thursday 25th October the Year 2 children would like to invite you all to their Muck, Mess and Mixture Art Exhibition.
If you are a parent of a Year 2 child please collect them at 3pm from their classroom and enjoy walking around the exhibition together. The children have been working really hard this term exploring different art media. We hope to see you there.
What fantastic costumes! Well done Frogs you all looked amazing human beans and we had a whizzpopping time but didn't get to eat any snozzcumbers.
We have had a great start to term and the children have all settled really well. Please remember to sign the five pages in the home school diary. We are checking this week. Thanks
On Thursday 13th September 2018 Year 2 classes will be celebrating Roald Dahl Day by dressing up as their favourite character from one of his stories. We will be taking part in lots of whizzpopping activities and watching a live webcast.