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Keeping Safe on the Internet

But how do we keep our children safe when they are using these devices? How can we teach them how to make the right choices when using the Internet?

The National Curriculum in England and Wales, September 2013, states that we should teach children to:

‘use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.’


Places to go for more information…

Things we do in school

  • Every term in school, your child is being taught different ways to keep safe when using the Internet, through lessons in the classroom and termly assemblies.
  • We also join in with National E-Safety day once a year in the Spring term – look out for this on the website/newsletter.
  • There is an online saftey display located in the schools corridor that have top tips for keeping e-safe and need to know leaflets focusing on specific ares, e.g: Fortnite, YouTube 
  • Charlotte Nursery and Infant School e-safety policy.
  • Weekly online saftey risk and support guides from the National OnLine Safety website posted on Dojo.
  • Online safety support guides posted on Dojo when needed to address concerns raised. 

Apps to download and books to read at home



The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin

Digi Duck   

Here is a list of other useful books 

Old Macdonald had a phone

Troll Stinks


Ant Clancy Games Detective

First Coding

Internet Issues Gaming


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