Physical Education

Physical Education Leader: Mrs Linthwaite
Children should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations – National Curriculum, 2014.
At Charlotte we want our children to experience a broad PE curriculum which helps them to develop practical skills in order to participate, compete and lead a healthy lifestyle as well as developing our school values and transferable life skills such as fairness and respect.
- At Charlotte we follow Get Set 4 PE Scheme of Work to cover the PE national curriculum and to work towards achieving the ELG in PD in EYFS.
- We follow the EYFS Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1. Following the Get Set 4 PE scheme of work we follow progression in learning documents. This ensures full curriculum coverage and progression across the children's journey through school.
- We use long term overviews as well as medium and short-term plans to ensure children are taught in clear sequence that builds on prior learning.
- Planning is taken from the Get Set 4 PE Scheme of work. Some planning from the scheme may be edited slightly or changed to form cross curricular links where applicable, mainly in dance.
- We have good quality resources, including continuous provision in the early years. Resources are replenished regularly through some of the sports funding to ensure teachers and students can deliver and experience high quality lessons
- Sports funding is spent effectively
- CPD through Get Set 4 PE scheme of work resources, affiliation to the Erewash sports partnership, experienced sports coaches working with staff in specialised areas and links to local sports clubs supports teachers and pupils to ensure high quality teaching and learning.
- The school provide a variety of after school sports clubs led by a range of sports coaches and staff.
- In KS1, Pupils take part in two session of physical activity each week
- The EYFS has one formal PE session each week alongside the environmental and physical environment of the EY Curriculum
- We provide children with opportunities to be physically active at break and lunchtimes. Through sports coaches, encouraging the use of trim trails and our zoned areas in the playground at playtimes and lunchtimes. The Get Set 4 PE Scheme of Work also provides planning and ideas for active wet play activities to keep children active if they are unable to go outside.
- Teachers ensure ongoing assessment of children's learning (formative assessment). This is then used to inform and adapt future planning as well as provide support and challenge.
- At the end of Reception children will be assessed against the PD Early Learning Goals.
- In Key Stage 1, at the end of each unit the children will be assessed against the long term progression documents and the knowledge and skills progression ladder which follow the Get Set 4 PE Scheme of work These are referred to during lessons, end of units, across the school year and at the end of the school year.
- Through discussion and feedback, children talk enthusiastically about their P.E. lessons and can confidently talk about why Physical Education is important.
- Pupils have a voice within lessons to feedback on their own and other’s performance using kind, specific and helpful comments
- . Children will know the benefits of PE on their physical and mental health. Children can explain the changes to their body during warming up and cooling down. Children can talk about ways to keep healthy and safe.