Religious Education

RE Leader: Miss Knall
At Charlotte we want our children to experience a broad and balanced RE curriculum, one which gives them the tools and understanding to develop an appreciation of the diverse world in which they live.
We want our children to become resilient, accepting, mindful and inquisitive learners and our RE curriculum promotes this. We provide opportunities for the children to discover, ask questions and gain an insight into religions within the world that they live.
- At Charlotte, we follow the ‘Derbyshire and Derby City Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education’.
- Our curriculum coverage document for RE maps out the key concepts and aspects that children should know throughout each phase. From FS2 to Year 2, our children are exposed to a range of religions and non-religious world views from the agreed syllabus. Key questions for each topic focus on one of the 3 strands: ‘believing’, ‘expressing’ and ‘living’.
- In Nursery, learning is built around the children’s interests. Religious festivals and celebrations are explored through play and creative activities. In Reception, the children also begin to explore the three strands of ‘believing’, ‘expressing’ and ‘living’. There are 6 units that are taught – 1 each term.
- KS1 also study the three strands. There are 7 units of study taught across Years 1 and 2 and the skills and knowledge progress throughout these. Year 1 learn predominantly about Christianity and Year 2 learn about the Islamic faith, making comparisons with Christianity.
- We use long term overviews as well as medium and short term plans to ensure children are taught in clear sequence that builds on prior learning.
- Planning is completed by subject leaders in consultation with year group teams to ensure high expectations and quality learning activities which have a balance of adult and child lead learning.
- We have good quality resources, including continuous provision in the early years.
- CPD, visits, visitors and enrichment activities supports teachers and pupils to ensure high quality teaching and learning.
- Each half term, for each new topic, year group leaders share key Religious Education learning with parents and carers through topic knowledge organisers
- Teachers ensure ongoing assessment of children's learning (formative assessment). This is then used to inform future planning as well as provide support and challenge.
- In Key Stage 1, at the end of each unit the children will be assessed against focused key knowledge and skills outcomes.