Art and Design

Art and Design Leader: Mrs Parkin
At Charlotte we want our children to experience a broad Art and Design curriculum which helps them to develop ideas through processes, in an artistic way, by mastering a range of artistic techniques and taking inspiration from significant artists. This will enable children to increase their cultural capital, engage their imagination, express themselves creatively and prepare them for the next stage in their learning.
- At Charlotte we use a topic based approach to our curriculum. This allows us to be creative and Art and Design is a key element of our curriculum.
- We follow the EYFS Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1. We have used these to create a progression in learning documents for Art and design. This ensures full curriculum coverage and progression across the children's journey through school.
- We use long term overviews as well as medium and short term plans to ensure children are taught in clear sequence that builds on prior learning.
- Planning is completed by subject leaders in consultation with year group teams to ensure high expectations and quality learning activities which have a balance of adult and child lead learning.
- We have good quality resources, including continuous provision in the early years.
- CPD, visits, visitors and enrichment activities supports teachers and pupils to ensure high quality teaching and learning.
- Each half term, for each new topic, year group leaders share key Art and Design learning with parents and carers through topic knowledge organisers.
- Teachers ensure ongoing assessment of children's learning (formative assessment). This is then used to inform future planning as well as provide support and challenge.
- At the end of Reception children will be assessed against the Expressive Arts Early Learning Goals.
- In Key Stage 1, at the end of each unit the children will be assessed against focused key knowledge and skills outcomes. These outcomes are identified using the end of Key Stage 1 Mile Stones and Learning Progression Documents.