Our Key Stage 1 Curriculum
At Charlotte Nursery and Infant School, we place great importance on a curriculum which develops the whole child. Through our core school values, we foster an environment where the emotional, physical, academic, social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of each child is considered.
Our Key Stage 1 curriculum is mapped to include coverage of the National Curriculum and provides a range of experiences for our children.It is designed to challenge, engage, motivate and promote personal excellence with the ultimate goal of each child achieving their full potential and becoming lifelong learners who make a positive contribution to the community and society.
The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the children in our school, allowing them to flourish. The curriculum provides children with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which they can learn and develop a range of transferable skills. The curriculum is driven by the leaders of the school through the embedding of long-term curriculum overviews and schemes of work for each and every subject.
Age-related expectations combine the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills to create a purposeful and exciting learning journey for every child. The curriculum has high expectations to combine transferable skills, demonstrate a breadth of vocabulary and oracy and develop strong, meaningful cross-curricular links. Inviting classroom environments stimulate learners and engage them in quality thinking and reasoning. Explicit weekly and medium-term planning is responsive to children’s needs.
The National Curriculum is delivered using an integrated themed approach. Where subjects can be integrated into the theme, they are, but others are still taught discretely where this is more appropriate.