
Geography: Mrs Watson
At Charlotte we want our children to experience a broad Geography curriculum which enables them to secure a foundation for future learning in Geography. During their time at Charlotte, children will learn about their local environment, community and the wider world. Geography is taught at Charlotte through a topic based approach which inspires and stimulates curiosity. The pupils will learn about the human and physical geographical elements, locational and place knowledge, and map skills with technical vocabulary used and applied throughout. Children should have the opportunity to ask questions, make links and comparisons and to work collaboratively, allowing them to make sense of their world and the world around them. At Charlotte school, we seek to inspire in our children a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, to promote the children’s interest and understanding of different places, people and environments.
- At Charlotte we use a topic based approach to our curriculum. This allows us to be creative and Geography is a key element and driver of our curriculum.
- We follow the EYFS Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1. We have used these documents to create a progression in learning document for Geography from Nursery to Year This ensures full curriculum coverage and progression across the children’s journey through school.
- We use long term overviews as well as medium and short term plans to ensure children are taught in a clear sequence that builds upon prior learning.
- Planning is completed by subject leaders in consultation with year group teams to ensure high expectations and quality learning activities. Quality learning activities have a balance of adult and child lead learning.
- CPD, visits, trips, and visitors support both teacher and pupils in ensuring high quality teaching and learning.
- Each half term for each new topic, year group leaders share geographical learning with parents and carers through topic knowledge organisers.
- Thorugh each topic, engage and express days are planned in to develop love for the subject. These may include: invite a parent to school to participate in learning, a musuem showcasing work produced or visitors bringing history and geography to real life situations.
- Geography can also be seen through our KS1 role play areas in some topics for example a travel agent helps bring the curriculum alive and into a real life context for the pupils of Charlotte school.
- Teachers ensure ongoing assessment of children’s learning (formative assessment). This is then used to inform future planning as a well as providing support to those children who may need it or to challenge and deepen the understanding of others.
- At the end of Reception children will be assessed against the Understanding the World Early Learning Goals.
- In Key Stage 1, children are assessed at the end of each unit against key knowledge and skills outcomes. These outcomes can be identified using the Key Stage 1 Mile Stones and Learning Progression Documents.