School Improvement 2023-2024
We are very proud of Charlotte School and what we offer our children and families. As part of our drive to be the best we can be we are always reflecting and looking at ways to be even better. This year we have a number of areas in school that we are working hard to improve even more.
1. To continue to develop the use of our phonics scheme, Song of Sounds and improve our children's comprehension skills and love of reading.
2. To ensure our updated Charlotte Curriculum is well established and effecitve.
3. To develop and imporve the outdoor provision for learning and playtimes.
4. To continue to promote high levels of wellbeing, mental health and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development) across school.
5. To improve attendance levels and reduce persistant absence.
For more imprmation about how we are going to achieve our goals please look at the document below.